Less Than Graceful

The Creaky Writer
2 min readMar 28, 2021

Bracing air, now a breeze as I pick up speed

Whipping the face it is adventure on which l feed

Pedaling through and through the bicycle glides

Past the walker, strollers and the cyclists here for rides

Evening primroses bloom with their wafting essence

Clearing my mind as I balance and steer in the flickering luminescence

Mesmerized by what the cycling spree offers

I fail to notice the pebbly bump and then ensues a fest to scoffers

As the front wheel hits the unforeseen

The back wheel takes a lift, my vision an unwelcome tangerine

Slam dunked by by my bike with a force that deceives

I am propelled into a heap of wilted leaves

Gashes I receive plenty from the bark of the tree I against which I sprawl

But nothing stings like the embarrassment of the less than graceful fall

People laugh, people pity, people help

I grimace, I dust off and I get up, but not without a yelp

I plod to my bicycle, not meeting an eye

Pray for no bike damage if that wasn’t enough to mortify

Never mind that I fell, they will forget it anyway

Let’s get back up, I tell my bike, pulling it out of disarray

On I go, pedaling through the mishap, coming from the other side

With more focus I now realize I needed, experience a guide

Originally published at http://thecreakywriter.tumblr.com/

